Category: <span>thoughts by Kristi Huseby</span>

I hate feeling empty.

Emptiness leaves me feeling hopeless, worn out, used up, exhausted and alone.

In Ruth 1:20-21 (NLV)  Naomi says, “Don’t call me Naomi. . . Instead, call me Mara, for the Almighty has made life very bitter for me.  I went away full, but the Lord has brought me home empty.

We are given only a glimpse of the heartache and sorrow that brought Naomi to the point of such emptiness and despair.  What must it have been like for her to travel home to her native land empty?  Did her heart break a little more with each step she took?  What pain she must have experienced as she traveled farther and farther away from the family she buried.  Naomi feels used up, spit out and with nothing left to give emotionally, mentally, physically or spiritually.

What has left you feeling empty?

I experienced a time of intense emptiness after the break-up of a close friend.  I didn’t want the friendship to end and I worked with everything I had in me to hold on to the last remaining remnants of our relationship but it slipped through my fingers like sand and I was left with a gnawing emptiness that wouldn’t go away;  a pain in my gut that never seemed to lessen.

At the risk of being redundant, let me just say that emptiness leaves us empty. 

But without the emptiness how can we be filled?

Think about it, if we’re already full, how can God fill us?

What if emptiness is a good thing?

What if it is part of God’s plan you, for me?

When we are empty of our self; our arrogance, our own dreams, our thoughtlessness – than God is able to fill us with Him.

For me, the loneliness and pain I experienced drove me to my knees and created a space for God to fill.  The emptiness allowed me to see God in a way I had never seen Him before.  It brought my heart into a place of surrender.

Our faith as believers is anchored in emptiness.  The empty tomb is the cornerstone of our faith. We serve a risen Savior, who died and left the tomb of death, never to return!

Then the angel spoke  . . .  “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I know you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified.  He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead . . .”   Matthew 18:5 (NLV)

We have a lot of things in this world that cause us to become empty – empty bank accounts, wayward children, broken relationships, the death of a loved one, regret and on and on . . .

I want to encourage you to embrace the emptiness . . .  and allow God to fill you with His Holy Spirit.

Remember, it is only through our emptiness that we can be filled!

by Kristi Huseby
Used by Permission

We are filled with the Holy Spirit by faith alone. However, true prayer is one way of expressing your faith. The following is a suggested prayer:

“Dear Father, I need You. I acknowledge that I have been directing my own life and that, as a result, I have sinned against You. I thank You that You have forgiven my sins through Christ’s death on the cross for me. I now invite Christ to again take His place on the throne of my life. Fill me with the Holy Spirit as You commanded me to be filled, and as You promised in Your Word that You would do if I asked in faith. I now thank You for directing my life and for filling me with the Holy Spirit.”

If you prayed this prayer we would love to hear from you . If you would like to know God deeper we can connect you with an email mentor and/or send you some great links.

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Further Reading

•  Understanding the Holy Spirit

•  More than a Father

•   Going Deeper with God


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thoughts by Kristi Huseby Thoughts by Women

The Lord looks down from heaven and sees the whole human race. From his throne he observes all who live on the earth. He made their hearts, so he understands everything they do. Psalm 33.13-15 (NLT)

I saw a car the other day that looked normal but as it turned the corner, I was caught by surprise – the whole passenger side was completely smashed in!

Have you ever considered that people are something like that car? We have a good side that we parade around for all to see and a dark side that we hide from view.

In the book of Matthew, a young man comes to Jesus wanting to know how he can have eternal life and Jesus tells him he must obey the commandments. The young man proclaims that he has obeyed all of them. He’s parading his good side for Jesus to see.

He then asked what else he needed to do.

Jesus told him, “. . . go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” (Matthew. 19:20-22)

With laser-like precision Jesus goes after the dark side of his heart.

Showing off our good sides and concealing our dark sides is second nature, but we can’t hide our dark sides from God.

Jesus is in the business of changing EVERY PART of us – the good and the bad. This process of change can be terrifying, excruciating, seemingly unbearable at times but it’s in this struggle and pain that our true beauty can be brought forth.

Will you let God in to work on your dark side?

Lord, thank you for loving me even though you know everything about me. Thank you for never giving up on me. Show me how to surrender ALL of my heart to You. Amen.

Spend some time in prayer asking God to show you your own “dark side.” Then meditate on the saving grace Jesus offers you and lift those sinful tendencies up to Him. It might help you to journal about it so that you can watch the progress as He works on your heart.

by Kristi Huseby
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  God Sees, He Knows – Deborah Yemi-Oladayo

•  God Sees You – by Kathy Cheek

•  The One Who Sees It All – by John Grant

thoughts by Kristi Huseby Thoughts by Women

I think I’m going to be sick.  What was she saying? What was I supposed to say?”  All I heard was yelling, it was as if my head was submerged under water.  I could hear her speaking to me but couldn’t fathom what she was saying.

As I stood in my kitchen that day and listened to my dear friend yell at me, I wondered how we could have gotten to this place.

We had been doing life together for about 5 years, my friend and I – having babies, hanging out as families and doing ministry together.  We were the only two women in a world of men and we were allies.  But our roles had recently changed and she did not like the decisions I was making.  We were no longer allies or even friends and my heart was breaking.  Why couldn’t we just work this out?  Why did it have to be like this?  Didn’t she know me well enough that she could trust that I had her best interest at heart?

I watched as our friendship blew up in my face and could do nothing to stop it.

I met with a mentor as I wrestled through what God wanted me to do in regards to our relationship.  As we were discussing the situation my mentor made a statement I’ve never forgotten.  He said,

What you’re seeing here, Kristi, is the purest form of legalism – she is saying “it’s my way or the highway”.  God’s answer to legalism is grace.  And I believe God has given you an extra measure of grace to reach out to her and draw her back into fellowship.  But with that grace I believe that God is calling you to take the higher road, to humble yourself and go to her and seek to restore your friendship.”  I remember thinking at the time, “This is completely opposite of what the world would tell me to do.  The world would say, ‘she did you wrong, run as far away from her as possible.  You shouldn’t allow yourself to be treated like that.’”

But I knew in my heart he was right, that God was calling me to lay down my life for her and to go to her in humility and grace.

I wish I could tell you that our relationship was restored but unfortunately it didn’t work out that way.

But what I do know is that I did what God was calling me to do even though it was completely upside down from what the world would say I should do.  And through my obedience He blessed me.

In Matthew 5, Jesus talks about what it looks like to live in His Upside Down Kingdom.  Listen to His Words,

God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him,
for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.

God blesses those who are persecuted for doing right,
for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.     (Matthew 5:3,10 NLV)

Jesus goes on to say further in the chapter, “But I say, do not resist an evil person! If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also. If you are sued in court and your shirt is taken from you, give your coat, too. . . You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy.  But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you!”  (Matthew 5:39-40, 43-44 NLV)

When we follow Jesus, He calls us to a higher path – a road less followed, a road of radical obedience to His WAY.

Radical Obedience

The world will tell you that you will be walked on if you do things His way that you will be trapped and misused, if you hold to that kind of lifestyle.

But Jesus says that living in His Kingdom sets us apart and shows the world that we are different!  The truth is that when we live in His Upside Down Kingdom we experience a life of true blessing and freedom!

by Kristi Huseby
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Choosing the Uncommon Life by Max Lucado

•  Choosing Your Direction Today –  by Gail Rodgers

•  Choosing What Rules Your Heart –  by Gail Rodgers


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thoughts by Kristi Huseby Thoughts by Women

“My soul quietly waits for the True God alone; my salvation comes from Him.”  Psalm 62.1

I confess, I am rarely quiet.  It is go, go, go.  Do, do, do.  And at the end of the day, it’s difficult to turn off my brain and rest.  I find it easy to take refuge in all I’ve accomplished and ignore the unsettled, restless feelings in my heart.  Focusing on the doing, rather than the being.

Someone once told me, we aren’t human-doings, we’re human-beings.

How true this is and yet how uncomfortable we find “being” to be.

When am I ever “soul quiet”?

We’re fixers . . .

We don’t need a Savior because we are our own savior.  We need money, we take out a loan.  We no longer feel in love with our spouse so we dump them for a newer model.  Our child is struggling with a teacher, we move them to a different class.  Our in-laws are driving us crazy, we cut them out of the picture.  We read self-help books, see counselor after counselor, and take matters into our own hands.

Waiting is for those who are lazy.  Waiting wastes time.  Waiting never solves anything.

We don’t need a Rescuer because we are our own rescuer.

It’s easy to rationalize away this call for soul quiet waiting.

Soul quiet is hard.  Soul quiet takes precious time.  Soul quiet takes perseverance and intentionality.

Soul quiet causes us to let go of the list and focus on the being.  Soul quiet forces us to be still.  Soul quiet brings us face to face with who we are deep down inside.

We will never pursue this life accidentally.  The voices of this world shout loud and long and unless we choose to remove our self from their continual barrage we will never learn to listen to the whispers of our Savior.

Years ago I learned a soul quiet practice called “Contemplative Prayer”, also known as Lectio Divina (Sacred Reading).  I have found it to be a wonderful way of helping me learn to quiet my soul and wait on God.

Here’s how it works:

*Read aloud the passage of Scripture (should be only 2-3 verses).  Listen to the words and be still for 1-2 minutes.
*Read aloud again and Reflect for another 1-2 minutes:  What in this passage touches my life today?
*Read aloud again and Respond for another 1-2 minutes:  What is God inviting me to do today?
*Read aloud again and Rest for another 1-2 minutes:  Ask nothing, simply rest in the presence
of the Lord.

*Write down what God has spoken to you through His Word.

I encourage you today to take Philippians 4.6-7 and begin your soul quiet practice.

God is calling all of us to the soul quiet way of living.  Resting in His presence.  Waiting on Him to rescue us.

Quieting our hearts before Him.

It’s the way of Peace even when our worlds are turned upside down.  It’s the way of Joy even when there is tremendous pain.  It is the path of Life for those who choose to walk its way.

By Kristi Huseby
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Am I Quiet?  by Marilyn Ehle

•  When Silence is More Than Being Quiet – by Kyle Norman

•   How to Have a Quiet Time with God


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thoughts by Kristi Huseby Thoughts by Women

God blessed my husband and me with four boys.  

I confess there were days, when I questioned whether it was a blessing or not. Boys are loud, physical, and boisterous.  They love to climb on furniture, use sticks for weapons and beat up their brothers.

But, I have to say, I love them!   Because what you see is what you get.  They tell it like it is.  They get mad and then they’re over it.  They will pick on their baby brother and then if anyone else tries to pick on them they will defend them “to the death”.

Boys know how to play.  They design huge elaborate games and they’re never bored if they have another one around.  And they have given me a storehouse full of great stories and memories!

My boys taught me so many things – how to not take myself so seriously, how to live every moment to the fullest and to love life.

God also used them in my life to teach me things about Him.

I remember one day hearing screaming coming from our back hallway (never a good sound).  I knew it was my youngest, Logan, he was about 18 months old.  I ran to where the sound was coming from and saw him with a beat red face crying and yelling for all his might.  My oldest, Wes, who was around 10 at the time, was blocking Logan from going down our back stairway.  He looked up at me, with this pleading look on his face and said, “Mom, he wants to go down the steps and I can’t let him because he’ll fall and get hurt!”

And in that moment, God gave me a snapshot of how I am with Him . . .

I make my plans.

I make my plans, sometimes offering the token prayer but really never considering Him or seeking where He wants me to go and then I pursue those plans with all my heart.  And when I’m thwarted I throw a temper tantrum because I don’t get my way, never realizing that it is the Hand of God protecting me from harm.

Jeremiah 29:11 says, For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord, “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”

Do I believe that?

Why do I question that God doesn’t have my best interest at heart when he laid down His life for me?

What about you? 

Do you ever get angry or frustrated because God isn’t giving you what you want?

Are you mad because He isn’t giving you what you think you need?

But what we WANT isn’t always what we NEED!

In some distorted way, many of us feel that God owes us.  That if we’re living our lives to please Him, He should give us what we want and when we don’t get it, we get mad and throw a fit.  And sometimes, we even walk away!  But what we want isn’t always what we need.  And God is not in the business of making us comfortable.  He is about molding and shaping us to be more like Him.

God is not in the business of us comfortable!

Teach us to …..Trust You, Lord with all our heart;
to not depend on our understanding.
But seek your will in all we do,
and You will show us which path to take. Proverbs 3:5-6

By Kristi Huseby
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  We Plan – God Directs

•  He Guides Us

•  Salvation Explained


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thoughts by Kristi Huseby Thoughts by Women

The person who expects nothing will never be disappointed.” (Alexander Pope)

This new journey of faith walking feels more like a narrow winding up and down, black diamond hike than a meandering smooth easy path.  One day I’m ecstatic over the answers to prayer I’m witnessing and the next I’m in the depths of despair, disappointed and discouraged.  It’s why I resonated so deeply with this quote when I saw it.  I’m expecting God to move in big and small ways to make this ministry happen.  But “His ways are not my ways and His thoughts are not my thoughts,” (Isaiah 55.8) and I might add, His timing is not my timing.  I expect great things from God and He doesn’t let me down, He just doesn’t do things in the way I think He should or in the time I think they should be done!

The other day I wrote in my journal, “I feel discouragement knocking at my door.  BUT I refuse to open it!  I REFUSE TO BE DISCOURAGED.  I REFUSE TO BACK DOWN.  I REFUSE TO QUIT.”

Jesus said in Matthew 7:13,

You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate.  The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way.  But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult and only a few ever find it.”

As I tread this difficult road I feel it making me stronger.  Deepening  my faith.  Teaching  me dependence.  Stripping away the peripheral.  Narrowing my focus.  Grounding me in truth. Forging a stalwart heart.

So today, once again, I choose the difficult road.  I choose to follow His way.  I choose to put my hand in the Hand of the one who laid down His life for me.  I choose to follow wherever this difficult road takes me.

I know I’m not the only one choosing the difficult road.  My road may look different from yours but our roads are difficult just the same.  Hang in there.  Never give up and don’t back down.  Refuse to open the door to discouragement.  Turn to your Savior, He gave His life so you might have LIFE, true and abundant life!

Remember, if you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.  You won’t struggle with disappointment but you won’t accomplish anything of value either.

Spilling His Grace,
Kristi Huseby
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Serving the Lord Wholeheartedly

•  Do What You Can!

•  Salvation Explained


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Thoughts by All thoughts by Kristi Huseby Thoughts by Women

“Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty…. He will cover you with His feathers. He will shelter you with His wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection. Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night nor the arrow that flies in the day. Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday.”
Psalm 91:1, 4-5

We won’t find rest if we’re living somewhere else. We won’t know peace if we’re trusting in ourselves, in our circumstances, or in our feelings.

We must reside and persist in the presence of our Savior. If we don’t, our lives will be plagued by fear and worry. Our situation will overwhelm us. We will be fear-driven instead of living in His shelter.

How do we do this with a God we can’t see or touch?

This is where it gets tough. This choice of life, this shelter-living doesn’t happen accidentally. It takes intentionality. It takes spending time with our Savior, pouring over His words, sitting in His presence, quieting our hearts long enough to hear His gentle whispers, and seeking His way not ours. It means falling on our knees in repentance, mourning our sin and refusing to make excuses for it. It’s surrendering our hearts, our choices, and our will to Him. All of this is so contrary to the world around us, but this is how we live in the shelter. This is where we find rest. This is where protection is found.

This is where we will find peace in the storm.

When we live in the shelter of our Abba Father, we no longer need to be afraid. Worry will become a thing of the past. Trust will be our daily companion. He alone will be our place of refuge and we will know a peace the world will never comprehend.

Father, when our hearts are weary and troubled, help us to look to You. Give us the determination and discipline to choose to live in Your shelter, to find comfort in Your wings. Thank You that You give us rest. In Jesus’ name, amen.

By Kristi Huseby
Used by Permission

If you don’t know God and his forgiveness and would like to start living a life where he is at your centre, you can start that journey today with a prayer:


Lord Jesus, I want to trust you from now on. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of my life. Make me be the person You want me to be. Thank you for enabling me to trust you in these uncertain times. Amen.

It starts today.

If you prayed this prayer we would love to hear from you . If you would like to know God deeper we can connect you with an email mentor and/or send you some great links.

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•  Praying for our Society
•  God, Our Shield 

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thoughts by Kristi Huseby Thoughts by Women

This time of year I always feel like I’m standing on the brink . . .

The New Year stretches out before me as a blank canvas.  The great dark tunnel of the UNKNOWN . . .

What will my world be like in the coming months?  What does this year hold?  Is it pregnant with joy or heartache, pain or blessing, health or illness?  What will it give birth to, I wonder?

I watch as everyone cheers as the ball drops in Times Square, welcoming a New Year and I am apprehensive . . .  wondering what will be.

Fear like a knife cuts deep into my gut.  Honestly, the “what if” . . .  has always frightened me.  What if this is the year I lose someone I love?  What if we face another “great depression”?  What if I gain twenty pounds?  What if my husband loses his job?  What if cancer decides to invade my life?  What if all my hair falls out?  Paralyzing fear.  Heart-stopping terror.  Mind-numbing dread.

In the midst of my fear, God whispers His truth . . . “You don’t know what the future holds but you hold the hand of the ONE who does!”

If we knew our future, I wonder, how would we live?  Would we be in constant dread and despair, focused on what was to come and missing what is now?

God wants us to LIVE in the present.  Embracing each day as it comes.  Grabbing hold of every moment, knowing that He will be there with us in every minute of every day.

He calls us to live a life of TRUST rather than fear.  Trusting that He holds our future in the palm of His hands.  Trusting that His plans are for our good and not for harm. (Jeremiah 29.11)  Trusting in the Hope of an Eternity yet to come. (Romans 5.4-5)

Did God give His life for me so that I could live in dread of the future? NEVER.  He died so that I can laugh at the future, embrace what He has for me and never have to live this life on my own again.

And so this year, I set my fears aside and lay claim to these words that the Apostle Paul penned so long ago,

I am convinced that nothing can ever separate me from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate me from God’s love.  No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate me from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus my Lord.” (Romans 8.38-39)

As you face this New Year, I don’t know where this finds you, maybe many of the fears I named are your reality.  Remember this, my friend:  You don’t know what the future holds but you hold the hand of the ONE who does.  He loves you and will never let you go!

By Kristi Huseby
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   A Bible Study on How God Demonstrates His Love

•   A Study on the Heart of God by Sylvia Gunter (Alphabet)

•  Salvation Explained


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thoughts by Kristi Huseby Thoughts by Women

You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house.Matthew 5.14-15 (NLT)

This past week I was having a discussion with a friend of mine and she told me about a satellite image that she had seen of our world. The picture was taken at night. Places in Europe were lit up like a Christmas tree but other places like China and North Korea were completely dark.

As my friend explained the picture she saw, I couldn’t help but wonder: if we were to take a spiritual satellite image of our world, where would the light and darkness be? Would the light be switched? Would North Korea be ablaze and America pitch dark?

How bright is my own light?

Is it glowing brightly enough for others to see? Or is it a dull radiance that is barely perceived?

I believe many of us know ABOUT God. We know about God like we know about our favorite actor, singer, or band member. We’ve prided ourselves on all the facts and statistics we know about God, we’ve loaded up on knowledge about Him through Bible studies, sermons and spiritual books but have neglected to develop an intimate, personal, knowing relationship with Him. We may spout verses, tell other people how they should live but neglect to live in obedience ourselves. We live self-centered, self-serving lives. And our light? It isn’t light at all – it’s really darkness.

Is our life just meaningless words or are we truly living what we say we believe? How bright is your light?

Lord, we need You. You have placed Your light in us at great personal cost to You. Don’t let me cheapen this great treasure. I want to get out of the way and let Your light shine so that others can see the truth. Amen.

Think of a part of your life that you have kept dim; maybe it’s the side of you that comes out at your child’s sporting events or when you take a night off with your friends, or even your workplace. Intentionally bring a little light into those places this week by using positive speech, unconditional love, and the name of Jesus!

By Kristi Huseby
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Being Strong and Courageous – Jesse Goerzen’s Story  – At 17, when life was going great, Jesse was diagnosed with a brain tumor. This is his story.

•  God You’ve Been Working

•  Salvation Explained

thoughts by Kristi Huseby Thoughts by Women

Last winter, I was driving down a back road and came upon an unexpected curve.  Because the road was icy and I was going too fast, I went right off the road and into a bank of snow.  Thankfully everything was okay and I didn’t have to tell my husband (except now he will know, ugh).

That curve caught me totally by surprise!

Life has a way of catching us by surprise, doesn’t it?

Maybe it’s an unplanned pregnancy, a trip to the dentist, a spouse that has left, a broken down car, a job loss, an angry embittered teen, a DUI, the loss of a close friend or family member.

We can experience many unexpected turns in our lives.  Some curves seem more irritating than anything else and others curves change our lives forever!

I have often found myself asking God . . .

Why are You allowing me to experience these turns in my life?  Why did you not give me any warning signs?  Why didn’t You straighten out the road so that I could avoid these turns?  You’re God, You can do that!

Years ago, I watched a friend of mine cope with an incredible unexpected curve in her life.  One day while working she fell from a high platform and was paralyzed from the waist down.  For anybody this tragedy would seem devastating but for Beth I think it was even more overwhelming because she earned her living by using her legs – she was an athletic director.  Beth is one of the most athletic people I know.   She was my volleyball coach when I was in College and that’s how we became friends.

Talking with her one day, I asked her if she ever struggled with anger and bitterness towards God.  Her answer didn’t surprise me because I know Beth but it did amaze me.  She said, “No, I know that this is His plan for my life and I’ve accepted that.  But I want you to know that I’m looking forward to Heaven!  I’ll have my legs back and you won’t be able to catch me!”

Beth has taken this unexpected curve in her life and embraced it!  She has found her identity in Christ alone and she’s allowing God to use her in the place He as designed just for her.

I’m becoming more and more convinced that life is a series of unexpected curves.

And the real question is NOT why did this happen to me or why did You allow this in my life?  BUT, how am I going to choose to live my life through this unexpected curve?  Will I let bitterness and anger invade my soul?  Will I turn away from God?  Will I refuse to see His goodness in the midst of the turn?  Or will I embrace the pain and surrender my heart to God?  Will I bow down to my Maker and acknowledge that He is God and I am not?  Will I trust Him when I don’t understand?

How do you respond when your life takes an unexpected turn?  Do you spend your time questioning His goodness or do you surrender to His will for your life?

Jeremiah 29:11-12 says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”

Do you believe this?  Will you embrace the unexpected curves in your life? Trusting Him for the things you cannot see and resting in His perfect plan for you.

by Kristi Huseby
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   We Plan, God Directs

  God’s Plan – A Study on God’s Destiny for Me?

•  Salvation Explained


thoughts by Kristi Huseby Thoughts by Women

Then I realized that my heart was bitter, and I was all torn up inside.” Psalm 73:21 (NLT)

Has your heart ever been bitter?

It is so easy to allow bitterness to hold a death grip on our life; when our life doesn’t turn out like we think it should, when we see other people receiving accolades that we feel are due to us and not them, when we God seems distant in our greatest time of need, when friends let us down, when evil people are seemingly blessed and those whole heartedly following God are punished.

I confess I have struggled with bitterness at various times in my life.  I can recall one of those times very clearly . . .

We had a friendship but it wasn’t always easy.  She always seemed to hold something back.  We would be traveling along pretty smoothly in our relationship and then all of a sudden it was as if I ran smack into a wall – to high to climb to wide to go around.  It was disheartening and I found myself often questioning why we were friends.  Then time and differences took us a part . . .

A couple of years later God brought us back together and I wondered if the relationship would be the same.  For a while it seemed different, she was openly sharing some really difficult struggles.  These struggles were pretty huge and I began fasting and praying weekly for her.  Then slowly our relationship began to erode and we went our separate ways.

A few of years later the tables were turned and I now found myself in a series of difficult situations but she was nowhere to be seen.  I was hurt.  I had been there for her why wasn’t she there for me?  And if that weren’t enough I began to see God’s blessing poured out in her life and the hurt burrowed deep into my heart.

I drank the poison, allowing bitterness to do its insidious work in my life.  It colored everything; my circumstances, my relationship with God, my relationship with my family and other friends.  I could feel myself pulling inward in self-protection mode.  I knew it wasn’t healthy but had no power within me to stop.  I became judgmental and jaded.

But God never let go of me during this time.  He never gave up on me.

Look at what the writer of Psalm 73 says as he continues his conversation with God. . .

I was so foolish and ignorant – I must have seemed like a senseless animal to you.  Yet I still belong to you; you hold my right hand.  You guide me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny.  Whom have I in heaven but you?  I desire you more than anything on earth.  My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever.  (Psalm 73:22-26 NLT)

Yet I still belong to You . . . even in the midst of my bitterness I still belonged to God.  He didn’t give up on me or let me go!  And He doesn’t give up on you or let you go either!  He is ours forever!

That difficult time allowed me to see God in a way I had never seen Him before and it showed me how easily I can lose my way and turn my heart away from the One who loves me the most.

That friendship has never been restored but God has taught me to pray for blessing in her life and through that He has set me free from the bitterness that so long ensnared me and kept me from truly growing in my walk with Him.  I whole heartedly echo the words of the Psalmist. . .

Whom have I in heaven but YOU?  I desire YOU more than anything on earth!  My spirit may grow weak but God remains the STRENGTH of my heart; He is mine FOREVER!  (Psalm 73:25-26 NLT)

Thank you Lord, for never letting go and never giving up on me!

by Kristi Huseby
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Choosing to be Bitter or Better

•  Devotional: Bitter Hearts

•  Salvation Explained


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thoughts by Kristi Huseby Thoughts by Women

Have you ever been so tired that you felt you couldn’t take another step?

That life has wrung you out and hung you up to dry?  Have you ever wanted to just give up and throw in the towel?

Where is God?

Where is God when there is a thirst in our soul that cannot be quenched?  Where is God when the darkness invades our spirit, when we’re in a dry and barren land?   Where is God when there is a longing for wholeness where only brokenness is found?  Where is the hope? Where is our God?

I wonder if Elijah felt like this when he ran away . . .

After defeating the prophets of Baal and experiencing God’s mighty answer to prayer for rain after a three year drought, Elijah was given a death threat from the wicked queen of the land.  “Most Wanted” posters for Elijah went up in Israel overnight and he fled for his life. . .


Just a few hours earlier, Elijah had witnessed the mighty power of God and watched as the people of Israel turned to God in repentance.  But discouragement invaded his soul like a mighty army and Elijah ran . . .

Elijah ran . . .

He ran far out into the wilderness, found a solitary tree to sit under and begged God to let him die.  He’d had enough and he wanted out!

What happens next is so surprising.  He falls asleep and God lets him.  When he awakes the angel of God feeds him and he falls back asleep.  There is no condemnation, no scolding.  There is just food and rest.

Once Elijah is rested and filled, God has him travel 40 days out into the vast wilderness.  While Elijah is holding out in a cave God reveals Himself to him.  Not once does God reprimand Elijah or scold him for being so self-focused, for desiring to dropout.  God asks Elijah a simple question:  What are you doing here?  And he listens to Elijah’s reply.   And then God gives him another job to do.

God’s unfailing love and care.

As I reflect on this beautiful story of God’s love and care for His faithful servant Elijah, I am reminded of God’s love and care for us.  In the midst of the brokenness God is there.  When we are tempted to dropout from what He has called us to do we are reminded that God sees all – He knows all.  He is a witness to our pain and frustration, our heartache and sorrow and every tear we cry. He promises to care for us in the same way He did for Elijah.  Our job is to trust Him and to keep our eyes fixed on Him and nothing else.

God promises in Isaiah 41:10 (NLV), “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.  Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you.  I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”

By Kristi Huseby
Used by Permission

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thoughts by Kristi Huseby Thoughts by Women

Have you ever told yourself, “I’m done with that sin and I’m never going back to it!”?

I have – about a bazillion times!  I get so disgusted with myself and my sin that I decide I can’t live with it anymore, I’m done.   But that usually lasts only a couple of days before I begin to miss my comfortable sin and wish I had it back.

Why do we go back?   Because the past always seems to be better, because we don’t like the present, because we’re afraid of the future, because we can’t let go, because our sin feels so much more comfortable than the unknown, because, because, because . . .

And then devil has us right where he wants us – STUCK!  We can’t move forward when we’re turning back.  We settle for ineffectiveness, unproductiveness and fruitlessness.

The story is told a man named Herman Cortes who burned his ships to keep his men from turning away from the mission that he had for them.

In 1 Kings 19, Elijah (a prophet in Israel) chooses Elisha to replace him by throwing his cloak over Elisha as he is plowing his field.  Elisha chases after him and asks him if he can tell his parents goodbye.  “Elijah replied, ‘Go on back, but think about what I have done to you.’” (1 Kings 19:20b NLT)

The next picture we see is found in verse 21 of 1 Kings 19 (NLT),   “So Elisha returned to his oxen and slaughtered them. He used the wood from the plow to build a fire to roast their flesh. He passed around the meat to the townspeople, and they all ate. Then he went with Elijah as his assistant.

Why is this recorded in Scripture? It doesn’t say that he told his parents goodbye and then followed Elisha.  It says he used the wood from the plow to make a fire and then cooked up the oxen and shared it with the town.  What’s he doing?

Elisha, like Herman Cortes, is “burning his ships”.   For Elisha, there is no going back.  He has chosen the mission that Elijah called him to which ultimately was GOD’S MISSION for him.  He’s clearly showing Elijah that he’s surrendered everything; his home, his family, his livelihood.  He’s refusing to look back!

Let me ask you, has God put a call on your life and you continue to turn back to your old ways?  Has He said to you, “Come follow me,” but you’ve been resisting, thinking that what lies in your past is so much better than what He might have for you? Are you stuck in a sin cycle you can’t you can’t seem to find a way out of? What’s holding you back from wholeheartedly following the Lover of Your Soul?

Following God isn’t easy.  It wasn’t for Elisha.  But think about it, Elisha traded in a lifetime of plowing oxen for service to his KING and through God’s power, he raised a child from the dead, caused an axe head to float, healed a man of leprosy and on and on the list goes.  I doubt that Elisha ever looked back and wished that he had kept plowing that field.

So I ask again, what is keeping you from fully surrendering and following God?

Is it a sin in your life that you cannot seem to overcome or a mission God has called you to that you don’t seem to have enough faith for?  Whatever it is I challenge you, like Elisha and Herman Cortes, to “burn your ship” and don’t look back!

by Kristi Huseby
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  The Supernatural Power of Praise

•  Hearing God’s Voice

•  Salvation Explained

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thoughts by Kristi Huseby Thoughts by Women

I heard the heartache in my best friend’s voice, “We had to hospitalize our son last night.  He was threatening violence.”  I could feel the pain and anguish through the phone lines and my heart went out to her.

My dearest friend is living day in and day out with an incredibly difficult situation.  Times without number she has felt that God has asked her to handle situations that are beyond what she can bear.  And yet, every time I see God’s grace exhibited in her life and in the life of her son.

They CHOSE to love a boy that was not their own.

Seven years ago, she and her husband chose to love a young boy that was not their own.  They welcomed him into their family and he became theirs.  He immediately had all the privileges of a son – love, care, family vacations, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles and cousins, wealth and most of all he was able to learn about God and His love for him.

He was given the privileges of a son!

(Isn’t that what God did for us!  He chose us to be His own children and welcomed us into the family with all the rights as an heir.  We hold the same privileges as His Son, Jesus. “But when the right time came, God sent His Son . . . God sent Him to buy freedom for us who were slaves to the law, so that He could adopt us as his very own children . . . Now you are no longer a slave but God’s own child.  And since you are His child, everything He has belongs to you.”  Galatians 4:4-5, 7)

This journey has not been easy, in fact I know she would say that it is, hands down, the hardest thing she has ever done or will do.  And there is no guarantee of the future.

Unable to accept this gift of LOVE. . .

You see, their little boy, even though he has been given this amazing gift of love, cannot accept it.  His past and the things that happened to him before he came to live with them have scarred his life and are holding him captive.  He is unable to embrace this love, to bask in its warmth and to allow its light to shine in his life.  He has built a fortress around his heart and to let that love in is too frightening and threatening for him.  He wants the love and is drawn to it but then pulls away because it threatens to break down his defenses.

As I watch this gifted and talented young boy run from true, unfailing, unconditional love, I cannot help but see myself reflected in him.

Why does my heart do this yo-yo dance with God?

I do this very thing with God.  I am His chosen child and I want His love, in fact I’m drawn to it like a moth to a flame but then I find myself pulling away because His love exposes my innermost being and I don’t like what I see. . .  Why is it so hard to receive pure and undefiled love?  Why does my heart do this yo-yo dance with God?  Why do I allow fear to keep me from completely enjoying and reveling in God’s incredible love? . . . . .

And then I think of my friend and her incredible love for her son.  She has given everything for him.  She loves him unconditionally and no matter how she is treated by him, she continues to give of herself, to endure through the pain and to love unconditionally.

True, Unconditional LOVE . . .

She is my hero!  She is the strongest person I know and she demonstrates God’s great love and incredible patience with him every day 24-7, 365 days a year!  In her weakness I see her strength in God grow and in her brokenness and pain I have seen God bring her unspeakable joy.

And as I see myself reflected in her son, I see God reflected in her – His grace that I did nothing to deserve, His patience when I am obnoxious and hurtful, His love when I am unlovely, His gentle touch when I am hurting and in pain.  That’s how my friend loves her son and that’s how God loves me!

“How great is the love the Father has LAVISHED on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!”  1 John 3:1 (NIV)

by Kristi Huseby
Used by Permission

Would you like to know Jesus?
You can have peace and find hope and know forgiveness through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

You can receive Christ right now by faith through prayer. Praying is simply talking to God. God knows your heart and is not so concerned with your words as He is with the attitude of your heart. Here’s a suggested prayer:

Lord Jesus, I want to know You personally. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life to You and ask You to come in as my Saviour and Lord. Take control of my life. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Bring peace to my world this Christmas. Make me the kind of person You want me to be.Amen

If you prayed this prayer we would love to hear from you . If you would like to know God deeper we can connect you with an email mentor and/or send you some great links.

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Further Reading

•  Overflowing with Life!

•  Spiritual Oxygen: Are You Getting Enough?

•  Salvation Explained

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Thoughts by All thoughts by Kristi Huseby Thoughts by Women

Have you ever pleaded with God over and over again to answer your prayer?  Or felt such desperation in your soul, that you prayed all night long begging God to hear your prayer?  But deep down, did you really expect God to hear you?

In my reading of Acts, I came upon a very familiar story.  Peter is captured by Herod’s henchmen and thrown in jail.  James, John’s brother was killed just days before his capture and the people are thrilled!  Herod, seeking continued approval had turned his attention towards Peter and now Peter was sitting in jail surrounded by sixteen soldiers, all appointed to guard one unarmed man.

It’s the middle of the night and Peter is awakened by a brilliant light filling his jail cell.  He sees an angel but he’s really not sure if he is awake or dreaming.  He follows the angel past guard after guard, gate after gate and soon finds himself alone and very much awake standing in an alley outside the prison gates.

Meanwhile, the believers all gathered at Mary’s house to pray and intercede for Peter.  To say that they were concerned for Peter’s welfare would be stating it mildly.  They were terrified at what Herod might do to Peter, their pastor and friend.  He had just executed another member of their community and they were sure he wouldn’t hesitate to do the same to Peter.  They knew how heavily surrounded he was and in their heart of hearts they secretly wondered if God would hear their prayers.  Look what happens next . . .

While they were praying earnestly for Peter, Mary’s servant girl interrupted them to tell them that Peter was at the door knocking. Look at what happens next . . . “You’re out of your mind,” they told her. When she kept insisting that it was so, they said, “It must be his angel.” But Peter kept knocking and when they opened the door and saw him, they were astonished.Acts 12.15-16

As I read this passage, I couldn’t help but cringe inside at all the times I’ve prayed, never really expecting God to hear my prayer.  Because, deep down in my heart of hearts maybe I thought it was too impossible.   Or maybe, I questioned whether it really was God’s will or not or maybe I just simply did not believe that my prayers would really make a difference.  Whatever the reason at the root is DOUBT.  Doubt that God is who He says He is.  Doubt that God hears my prayers.  Doubt that He is great enough for my problems.

Doubt, doubt, doubt.

James 1.5-7 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.  But when you ask, you MUST believe and NOT DOUBT, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.  That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.  Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.”

The more I read the words of Jesus and his followers, the more apparent it is that following Him is an ALL or NOTHING venture.  Having one foot in the world and one foot in heaven just doesn’t work.  Opening the door to doubt, even just a little crack, will leave us unstable and easily swayed.

Lord, teach me to have a faith that doesn’t flirt with doubt.  I want all that you have for me.  Teach me what it looks like to walk the road of faith.  Open my heart to see You for who You really are so that I might know You better and trust You more.  Amen

By Kristi Huseby
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Going Deeper with God

•  How to Pray

•  Salvation Explained

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thoughts by Kristi Huseby Thoughts by Women